Konversi Cup Ke Gram: A Guide To Measuring Your Ingredients

koversicupkegramberdasarkanjenis Resep, Resep masakan, Didi
koversicupkegramberdasarkanjenis Resep, Resep masakan, Didi from www.pinterest.com


When it comes to cooking and baking, precise measurements are crucial to achieving the perfect taste and texture. One of the common measurements used in recipes is cups, but what if you only have a scale that measures in grams? In this article, we will guide you on how to convert cups to grams for accurate measurements.

Understanding the Conversion

Before we proceed with the conversion, it's important to understand that the weight of ingredients can vary depending on how they are packed. For example, a cup of flour that is spooned and leveled will weigh differently from a cup that is scooped and packed. Therefore, it's important to follow the specific instructions of the recipe when measuring your ingredients.

Conversion Chart

Here's a conversion chart to help you convert common ingredients from cups to grams:

Ingredient1 CupGrams
All-purpose Flour1 cup120g
Brown Sugar1 cup220g
White Sugar1 cup200g
Butter1 cup227g
Milk1 cup240g

Measuring Tips

Here are some tips to help you measure your ingredients accurately:

  • Use a measuring cup specifically designed for dry or wet ingredients.
  • Spoon and level your dry ingredients to avoid packing them down.
  • For sticky ingredients like honey or syrup, spray your measuring cup with cooking spray to prevent them from sticking.
  • When measuring butter, use the measurement markings on the wrapper or weigh it on a scale.
  • Use a kitchen scale for precise measurements.


Converting cups to grams may seem challenging at first, but it's essential to achieving the perfect results in your recipes. By following our guide and using the conversion chart, you can measure your ingredients accurately and confidently. Remember to always follow the specific instructions of the recipe to achieve the best possible taste and texture.
